Sunday, August 07, 2005
Whats it like - to feel humble
Whats it like ...?.... to be able to tell the poorest family in the hardest hit Tsunami village that we want to help them. Whats it like to tell a young Mother & Father with 5 kids living in a space no bigger than your garden shed who have nothing but 1 mattress for 7 of them to sleep on that we are going to help & buy them some mattresses, a cooker, a table & chairs, some cooking utencils & help pay some money towards their eldest daughters education. Whats it like when these people look at you in disbelief, then realise that its real & its happening. And whats it like when the Mother bursts in to tears, throws her arms around you and the Father shakes and then kisses the back of your hand and says" god bless you & your friends back in England" - Whats it like... I'll let you think about that one... there were times when I struggled.