Alison has seen & and experienced a living nightmare. This is an exert from her diary..............I cry into my keyboard as I try to explain what is happening here. Today we fed more than 1000 people, built toilet holes for dignity, opened a first aid station out of the rented van, tiled and cleaned out the damaged school library for shelter. Thousands of people are sleeping in what is left of the school. Life is misery and I have found myself once again through the gates of hell. Although this time, unlike 911, there are people alive and I can help them. I am running this fly infested dirty hospital with only the medical supplies we brought. I am being asked to do things way past my capabilities, but there is no-one else here to do it and if I don't they will die of infection. Today we set broken arms, sewed one guy's head together, tended to over 100 infected legs and arms, cared for five babies with 103 temperatues, chest infectons, dog bites/rabies etc etc How many times can I say I am sorry when I look into their black haunting eyes as they tell me they lost their husband and 6 children who were stolen by the great wave that conquered their land. Children cling to my arms in search of milk and love. I can give them the second. They call me mother. My heart cries out for them, I am so tired and I hide my tears in my sunglasses. When we help someone they say "I will be your slave forever!!" They get on their knees and kiss our feet and then I start to cry because I am not a God who should be worshipped. I am just like them without the tsunami. I am also poor but I have a strong heart and we will go through this together, they won't have to wait alone anymore. Today I have seen an island eaten by the sea, children eating rocks and hungry dogs chewing on human remains. I wear my sunglasses to hide the tears that flow like a river salty tears that remind me of the ocean that swallowed you. - hit the link above to go to "Alisons diaries"