What a day! I met Louise Jeffs some weeks ago at a Mojive venue in Bournemouth. We chatted some time later that evening about my trip to Sri Lanka and the possibility of the School helping out with equipment,but would need to get clearance from the Head Teacher ( thanks Mrs Rita Powner). So I was invited along to the school today for a couple of hours - yes 2 hours, to talk to the children and show some pictures. Well, I arrived at 10am ( having got lost) and left the school at 3.45pm. Maths was never my strong subject but that's a little bit more than 2 hours.
I was shown to Mrs Jeffs classroom and I thought it was empty as it was really quiet, not a sound. I poked my head around the door and got spotted.... it was too late..no turning back..I had to go in. With my suitcase in tow to demonstrate how much equipment we needed to collect I nervously walked towards the children. Oh dear I thought, they are all so quiet. This is going to be hard work.........................................well, how wrong you can be!
We hit it off really quickly (I think they liked my jokes!). I was really surprised at how much they knew about the Tsunami & how interested they were.We talked about the cause of the Tsunami and the devastation that followed. The children asked lots of questions about Sri Lanka. We also looked at some photo's of other children from other areas around the world.
I then met all the children in each of the other classes and again we talked about the Tsunami.
After Lunch break I helped the children put up their Tsunami posters in the school, had a look at the book marks that they had made and also a letter to go out to the parents. And then it was break time...Out with the footballs, what team do you support? can you play with us? Well, I have to admit, I did kick a couple of balls but they were much better at it than me.
Back into school and I was invited to the "well done" assembly for the whole school and parents were invited along as well. It was great to see so many children being rewarded for all sorts of things from being kind & helpful, spelling, Tsunami posters, bookmarks, designing seed packets, writing stories, singing a solo, acting in a play, and good behaviour...sorry if I missed anyone! The whole school sang songs and Head Teacher Mrs Rita Powner did the presenations.
Its been a few years since I was at school. I was asked several times today how old I was & I have to confess I said 21. Its not far out ( if you count really quickly). I don't remember my days at school being such fun and so interesting.
I have been bowled over today by how much the children knew about the Tsunami distaster, their enthusiasm to learn and their ability to ask questions to which I do not have the answers. The day just seemed to run so smoothly and appeared to seemlessly move from one lesson into another. I realise now how much work goes into the planning & preparation of these lessons.The patience, professionalism and dedication of the teachers is an inspiration.
Thank you for helping to collect equipment for the children of Sri Lanka. I will update the website while I am over there ( subject to computers and communications ) and will make the photo's available to you all on my return. But most of all, thank you for inviting me to your school today, it was a real pleasure and you made me feel so welcome.
Kind regards to you all. Malcolm.